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la paz造句

"la paz"是什么意思  
  • Jorge de la paz ? - no here , wrong place
    -乔治迪拉帕芝? -没这个人,找错了
  • Did you arrange for mr . de la paz ' s trip here today
  • That is standard procedure . - objection ! mr . de la paz
    -这是标准程序. -抗议!迪拉帕芝先生
  • My way out is a boat standing by in la paz
  • Mr . jorge de la paz to the stand
  • The plane went down somewhere between quito , lima , and la paz
  • Damn , that boat in la paz is looking pretty good right now , isn ' t it
  • Isn ' t it true that mr . de la paz is receiving 75 a day to testify
  • I ' m looking for senor de la paz
  • Let the record reflect that mr . de la paz has identified nick cain
  • It's difficult to see la paz in a sentence. 用la paz造句挺难的
  • Mr . de la paz , you stated that mr . cain spoke with you on the phone
  • The first one takes la paz agreement signed in 1983 as the foundation
  • People born in la paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood , for example
  • It ' s clear that mr . de la paz will sell anything to anybody at the right price
  • The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities : la paz and santa cruz
  • Out of the 80 districts in la paz , 35 have been swamped by water , affecting at least five thousand residents
  • The quan yin messenger stopped in five different cities in bolivia , including santa cruz , la paz , cochabamba , suere and trinidad
  • On the second day of tzu chi volunteer ' s aid relief assessment ; they are invited to attend a disaster briefing carried out by the local government of la paz
  • But doubts over whether the winner was a genuine cholita pacena - the name for indian women from la paz - led judges to strip her of her victor ' s sash
  • We went down to a little baja village on the sea of cortez , called la paz , mexico and we just had the time of our life . we were walking along the streets and we saw a dive shop
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